The EZ-LITE™ Special Effects modules for locomotives were designed specifically for those applications where space is very limited, and the modeler does not want to modify the locomotive chassis or motor wiring to allow installation. These track-powered modules were designed to fit most popular N Scale and HO Scale locomotives. (Some modules fit inside N Scale automobiles and Z Scale equipment.) .  For larger scales (S through 1-1/2”), the EZ07, EZ08 and EZ09 series are capable of driving “white” LEDs to generate signal light patterns.  The EZ09 is well-suited for HO, S, O, G, and other scales larger than N.  Please call or email to discuss these applications if you are interested, or click on EZ07, EZ08, or EZ09.

All EZ-LITE™ Special Effects Locomotive Modules can be provided with many combinations of the following lighting effects:

When ordering, the user can select any combination of these lighting effects, up to 4 constant intensity headlights and ditch lights, two oscillating signal lights, and two beacons or strobe lights. The headlights, ditch lights, and signal lights use Golden White or Sunny White LEDs. These LEDs provide a brilliant white light with no bluish tint, a great visual improvement over the dim yellow LEDs, bluish-white LEDs, and large non-focused bulbs furnished as standard equipment in many locomotives. The beacons or strobe lights use LEDs that have a shape very similar to a scaled-down beacon, and they produce a brilliant flash.

Installation typically requires that the user remove the stock headlight and lens, make provisions for mounting the new lights, and mount the circuit board in the locomotive. Since the board and wires are very small and fairly delicate, only pre-wired versions are offered. Mounting the new lights may require drilling the locomotive shell to add any light not already provided for. For example, adding a second headlight in a Con-Cor N Scale PA1 or Kato N Scale F3 requires drilling a second headlight opening in the nose. Adding ditch lights requires drilling holes in the pilot, and adding a beacon or strobe light requires drilling small holes in the cab roof. Installing headlights and the circuit board is generally quite easy. Installing a beacon or strobe lights is slightly more complex, since it involves carefully locating and drilling a clean hole in the cab roof, and then gluing the beacon or strobe light in place. Installing ditch lights in N Scale locomotives is more difficult, since it involves precise drilling of two holes in the pilot, and selecting the location for these holes requires a bit of careful planning. (Customers have successfully installed ditch lights in most N Scale locomotives, with and without Micro-Trains couplers.) Installing ditch lights in HO Scale locomotives is fairly easy.

The most important factor in the installation process is that NO CHASSIS MODIFICATIONS ARE REQUIRED! (NO CHOPPING™ ) Also, no motor wiring changes are required. Most smaller locomotives do not have space for other types of lighting circuits, but the EZ-LITE™ circuits were specifically designed to use the space available. (See the COMPARISON BETWEEN EZ-LITE™ MODULES AND OTHER SIMILAR PRODUCTS for more information.)

Perhaps the best option where the headlight opening is large is to use a 3 mm LED with a reduced tip diameter.  These LEDs are made to fit specific locomotives, so that the LED snugly fits the available headlight holes.  Generally these modified LEDs are a $6.00 extra cost option.

DIMENSIONS:   EZ-LITE™ Special Effects modules (without wires) will fit inside the following volumes:
  EZ01 (N Scale PA1, etc.): .385" x .345" x .212" (fits Con-Cor PA1 nose, rear of Life-Like E8 & PA1)
  EZ02 (N Scale U30, etc.): .840" x .375" x .185" (most late Kato/Atlas, except GP38, GP40, GP50, SD60, and Alco locomotives)
  EZ03 (N Scale F3, etc.): .590" x .485" x .140" (fits Kato F3/F7 cab and others)
  EZ04 (N Scale E9, etc.): .680" x .325" x .140" (fits Kato E8/E9, many other models)
  EZ05 (All HO Scale): .590" x .485" x .140"
  EZ06 (N Scale U28, etc.): 1.375" x .612" x .140" (fits Trix U28/U30CG fuel tank)
  EZ07 (1", 1-1/2" scale): 1.75" x 2.50" x 0.50"
  EZ08 (HO & larger scales): 1.5” x 0.50” x 0.25”
  EZ09 (HO & larger scales): 2.0” x 0.50” x 0.25”


To specify a module, the purchaser should specify the locomotive brand, scale and model (and version, if appropriate), and the number and type of LEDs. It is necessary to specify the locomotive model, to determine the appropriate wire length and LEDs required.

 Headlights:    Quantity = 0 to 2 (H)
 Ditch Lights:  Quantity = 0 to 2 (D)
 Mars Light:   Quantity = 0 to 2 (M) 
 Gyralight:   Quantity = 0 to 2 (G) 
 Strobe Light LED:  Quantity = 0 to 2 (S)

LIMITATIONS: D + H = 0 to 4, G + M = 0 to 2 , S = 0 to 2.

Example: EZ-LITE™ Model EZ01-102 wired for a Con-Cor N Scale PA1, 1994 version, with one headlight and one Mars Light. (Will be supplied with an LED for the Mars light and the headlight, two LEDs with wires cut to length and soldered in place, and instructions. The customer must drill a hole in the body shell for the headlight, and mount the board in the locomotive.)

Example: EZ-LITE™ Model EZ05-105 module wired for an Athearn HO Scale SD40 with two headlights, two ditch lights, and a beacon. (Will be supplied with LEDs for the headlights, four white LEDs with wires soldered in place, one LED for an amber beacon, and instructions. The customer must provide ditch light and beacon castings, if necessary.)
PRICING: Base Price (EZ01 - EZ05): $28.00 per module (Without lights)
Base Price (EZ06 & EZ08): $30.00 per module (Without lights)
Base Price (EZ09, FWD Only):  $40.00 per module  (Without lights)
Base Price (EZ09, FWD & REV):  $52.00 per module (Without lights)
Additional, per unmodified LED $2.00 per LED All colors except blue and green
Additional, per modified LED $6.00 per LED Golden White or Sunny White LEDs
Additional, DCC resistor or Zener diode, if required: $2.00 per module (To limit input voltage to below 16 V PEAK)

The full part number for a module consists of the module number followed by a dash ("-") and a three-number suffix of the form "-xyz". Replace the "x" with "0", replace the "y" with the default value "0", and replace the "z" with the number of LEDs.  For example, the module for a Kato N Scale E8 with two modified white LEDs (a headlight and a Mars light) plus an unmodified LED for a beacon (3 LEDs total) is EZ04-003. Its price is $28 for the module, plus $6 each for two modified LEDs, plus $2 for the unmodified beacon LED, for a total of $42.00. 

ORDERING - When ordering an EZ-LITE™ module, always specify the following:

  1. Locomotive brand, scale and model. (Ex: Kato N Scale E8, Athearn HO Scale SD45T-2)
  2. Lights desired and their intended type and location. (Ex: 2 headlights above windshield, 2 Mars lights in nose, beacon on cab roof)
  3. (optional) EZ-LITE™ model, with suffix.  (This model number is NOT required for placing an order, and you should ignore it if you find it to be confusing.  A complete description is more helpful than an accurate part number.)

EZGP+EZ05 - Kato N Scale GS4 Mars Light, Headlight, etc.